新発熱体:                                     燃焼実験集

 *Quicktime Download (Quicktime Videoには専用ソフトが必要です)


=注1:最初開くのに数分かかる場合が有ります 、暫くお待ち下さい=  It takes few minutes, please be patient for the first time view !=

=注2:自動スタートしません、ビデオ再生ボタン””を押して下さい=  It is not Auto-Start, please click Video start button””.=



Here, attached, please find video of the CO2/CO Free new Heat Block.

2011/6/14 by Glycomaterials                                                            


着火後、水中投入実験開始直後の様子 (w/2.7kg Canned Heater)

Right after burning then drop into the water



Right after start burning then check the outside temperature of insulation.



Right after start burning then check the outside temperature of insulation.

こんな七宝焼が出来ました!                  陶器/七宝焼に挑戦!

Try pottery/Cloisonné !

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